Following the initiative of First Vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva, a wedding ceremony is held in Baku for a young couple deprived of parental care

On March 4, a wedding ceremony of Yasaman and Ibrahim Abzotovs, a young couple deprived of parental care, took place. The ceremony was arranged at the initiative of Azerbaijan’s First Vice-president and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva.

Deprived of parental care, Yasaman and Ibrahim were brought up in Nizami district’s Children Home No.1, where their love story started.

“No child should remain beyond state patronage, and a child is not an orphan after he is taken under state’s guardianship, he is our child, the state’s child, and a child of Azerbaijan.” The Foundation, always being guided by these words of national leader Heydar Aliyev, has constantly shown attention towards the education of children deprived of parental care. President of the Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, Vice-president Leyla Aliyeva quite often pay visits to children homes and boarding schools, inquire about their daily problems, education, how they spend their leisure, and provide support to them. As a result of all the works done and the care shown, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has become a family for these children and juveniles. President of the Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva shows true maternal care towards children inhabiting children homes, and this attitude is not limited to the period of their stay in children homes, it continues after they leave these institutions. So, following the initiative of President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, dwelling houses were built in Absheron and Nizami districts for children deprived of parental care and brought up in children homes. Ensuring the employment of these children is also a focus of constant attention.

It has become a tradition for employees of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to visit children and youth inhabiting children homes on various holidays and significant days.

Today, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, arranging a wedding ceremony for a young couple from its family, is celebrating this important day together with them.

Saying he has been on friendly terms with Ibrahim Abzotov, Hijran Novruzov wished family happiness to the couple: “Ibrahim is an active, skilled and courageous boy. I’ve known him since he was 11. Strong friendly relations have been established between us during this period. I am satisfied with our friendship. I would like to thank Azerbaijan’s First Vice-president and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva for the care and support she provided to children deprived of parental care.”

Ibrahim Abzotov was born in 1989 in Baku. Deprived of parental care since childhood, Ibrahim grew up in Children’s Home No.1 in Nizami district.

Elchin Abbasov, who said that during the school years, Ibrahim Abzotov was a disciplined, literate and reasonable pupil, studied in the same class with Ibrahim. Delivering his kind wishes to Ibrahim, E.Abbasov said: “I would like to express my deep gratitude to Azerbaijan’s First Vice-president and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva. They have always approached children deprived of parental care with care and attention. Today’s ceremony too is a sign of this care and attention. All conditions have been created in our country for the youth, including those deprived of parental care.”

Yasaman Abzotova was born in 1994 in Barda district’s Alachadyrly village. She was deprived of parental care in 2001. She was brought up in Children’s Home No.1 in Nizami district. Having finished Secondary School No.220 in Nizami district, in 2012, Yasaman entered the international relations faculty of the Azerbaijan University of Languages.

Turkan Gurbanzadeh, who studied with Yasaman Abzotova at the Azerbaijan University of Languages, wished her closest friend family happiness. “I would like to express my endless gratitude to Azerbaijan’s First Vice-president and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva for the support provided to children and youth deprived of parental care. These young people are in great need of care.”

Director of Children Home No.1 of the Nizami district Narmina Zohrabova wished happiness to the marrying young couple and said: “As you know, since the very beginning of its operation, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and President of the Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva have realized many projects towards education of children deprived of parental care, and in the fields of education and social issues in our country. Children deprived of parental care have always been approached with special care. Mehriban Aliyeva has been showing constant attention to children homes operating in our country. Today’s wedding ceremony once more testifies that every citizen, every young person is protected by the state of Azerbaijan.”

In the meantime, since graduating from the university in 2016, Yasaman has been employed by the Heydar Aliyev Centre. And Ibrahim has been provided with job at the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies after he finished his education.

The marrying couple has been provided with an apartment in the dwelling house constructed, following the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s initiative, in Nizami district for the youth deprived of parental care.

A car was presented to the couple at the ceremony on behalf of Azerbaijan’s First Vice-president, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva.